Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Went to my support group, only 7 there (including mom.) Everyone seems to be doing well.
One of the lady's that used to come to the meetings 5-7 years ago, passed away.
Took forever to get my chemo. I hate afternoon sessions. They just take forever getting my chemo started.
M. has moms cold so I will keep her at home today. Her fever tonight was 101.9. She sure missed her daddy, she won't let him out of her site.

I've been reading a blog of a service man in Iraq, (got it off mainstreambaptist).
My heart goes out to all the people fighting.
Bush has his adgenda, it's not of the people or for the people. And all this busness of "christians" takeing over politics. Silly me, I thought this country was founded on freedom of religion.

Is is going to come down to what religion the president is, we all must believe?
Since when is he the dictator or monarch? Where are the checks and balances? Where are those crazy liberals from California?
I've known for a long time my vote doesn't count. But, I still have the right to vote and I feel I must vote even if my vote/voice is only one and never heard.

Overheard a couple of truckers at a truck stop.
They were talking about if all the truckers got together and had a stopage regarding to cost of gas, they could make an impact and cripple the USA. No one would get gas, supplies or mail. Then maybe the cost would go down.

People we all need to get together and STRIKE against high prices, this war and the vice presidents greedy company to rebuild everything at 1000% profit.
Ever since 911 we have been giving away our revolutionary rights to a little man with a hidden adgenda. And the so called christians are leading the way. Is it any different than the spanish inqusion? Is this all a ploy to make the working class the poorest class and the poor to die from neglect? Are we to go back to the middle ages? This maddnes has got to stop.
Gas prices out of control, medicine out of control, food, clothing, housing, a 25 cent candy bar is 75 cents. All out of contol and they say we are not in a ressesion? I know I'm in a depression about the bills, We used less electricity last month and we have to pay more than the month before, this is just not right!
If this keeps up I may be living in a cardboard box with everyone else in the middle of the street. Ok, maybe not, but I just resent having to work ever so hard to maintain and go through chemo at the same time.

Ok time to count my blessings:
I have a job, and they have help me soo much and support help to support my chemo addiction.
I have a family, all wonderful and supporting.
I have a house (owned by wealthy banks)
I have a car and 1/2 tank of gas.
and my chemo is working.

My prayers are to keep the chemo working, get through the next 3 weeks without being to ill from the side effects.
Must get sleep. TTFN


Blogger grandma1 said...

Hard to have your eyes opened to what is going on. Living in the middle of east texas it is very difficult to realize that you get it and most of the people around you don't. the educators retirees meeting I attended this morning was a eye opener. One of the ladies sitting next to me ask me what vouchers meant. If the retired teachers aren't aware of what is going on what can we expect of the general population to know. As we discussed before your grandparents got through the great depression. We got through some tough times and your generation will too. I do think that blogs are helping people your generation see that is happening. Yes, your brothers blog is depressing but it does make you think. I just worry about his emotions when he can see so much. The problems with SBC that is spilling over into our national politics. His blog is so necessary it is hard to read at times. I just heard on the news they are proposing to elimate the tax deduction for home mortgages. that will kill home ownership for most people. Your job right now is to keep as positive as possible and beat this cancer.

3:57 PM  
Blogger P M Prescott said...

You have much to be thankful for. Take a deep breath and keep on keeping on.

7:06 PM  

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