Friday, September 16, 2005

Why is it that it is everybody else's fault or problem?
If a catagory 5 hurricain is barring down on me and the call has gone out to leave. I know I would leave (common sense). Here in East TX, now that I'm not sooo green, if it's a tornado warning. I heed the warning and seek shelter. My heart goes to those that are displaced, but what did they expect? Did the Mayor's of the gulf states insist on total evacuation? Did the Govenors of those States have a disater plan? Did the Hospitals have an evacuation disater plan? It takes a lot to get whole cities evacuated. It can't be done by one person or even 10. It takes everyone taking care of themselves and making sure that thier neighbors are taken care of too. I'm glad that Bush has accepted responiblity for this disater, he didn't cause it, he declaired a state of emergency even before it hit, and FEMA, RED CROSS and other agencies were anticipating the need. Why is it neccesary to blame someone for the caos after a disater?
The police were doing all they could to help, the reporters were doing all they could to create more caos, the mayor and the govenors were talking about how horrible it was and why no one was doing anything. (Maybe they should have gotten on the phone and called the busses them selves?) Lack of planning is caos. For all the disater drills and homeland security drills I guess this country still lacks for a plan.

FEMA is the real screw up. There were truck loads of water and supplies waiting for a simple OK to get to the gulf coast. Instead, they were told, just send money. Medical personnel were in their cars waiting to go and assist, they were told to wait. Medical helicopters from Dallas and Houston were fueled and ready to go, again, they were told to wait. The country is used to getting directions from FEMA even the red cross gets direction from FEMA. If they couldn't step up and direct the aid then they need to be investigated for neglagence. The President is only one person. Of course it would be nice if the people he appoints had one half a brain to get what is needed done. In this the President did screw up. You can't put friends in high places if they don't have the mustard to do the job.

Now that all the governement dependant people have been relocated, I wonder how this will effect the surrounding states. The medicaid program, education and human services in TX is banckrupt. Has been for years, now we just added 1/2 million more government dependant people to the roles. This next year will be very interesting.

So much for my soap box. As for my daughter and her children.... maybe they will be able to afford a trailer on a small peice of land. Not much for a Vet or MD, but nobody will be able to afford health care or animal care in about 20 to 40 years.

These are just the ramblings of a chemo brain. My opinions and spellings are my own.TTFN


Blogger P M Prescott said...

Seems like you're on the front line. You might get lucky though. Maybe a Refugee with a nice FEMA check will buy your house?

6:39 PM  
Blogger grandma1 said...

I had never thought of it but if Alb was told to evanucate how would someone like Rose leave. Oh yes, P and L or some of her church friends would see that she got out. But some people would not have anyone to be concerned about them.

I hope it is not too busy at work today.

4:17 AM  
Blogger Grinny Granny said...

Good to read your blog. I feel like we're keeping in a little closer contact than before. This makes it easy to share your day or week, or whatever's on your mind. We don't get to do that much. E is working until 9. R is being a pest, as normal. How's M doing? Hope D is doing OK after his surgery. It was a prettyb quick recovery, I guess.

7:06 PM  

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