Monday, February 06, 2006

Well, last week was a long week. Had Chemo, Steven came to visit and to work on the Mother-in-law house. Wish he could have stayed another couple of weeks. I've been reading other books by Anne McCaffrey. We watched to bowl game. I think Seattle played better than Pitsburg, but the refs were biased. Pitsburg had about 10 good plays, which was enough to win the game. Mic and his band are looking OLD, Mic never really had a voice, but the band has always been great. Don't you just hate commentators that ramble when everything is about to get started? Or they ramble when the game is over? I could care less about whatever it is they are saying. Show us what is going on and get out of the way.

Mom and Dad got a new puppy, looks alot like Hector, Charlie and Cleo. Her name is Sadie and she is a bundle of engery. I hope they can keep up with her. M. loves her and wants to go over and play all the time.

My political comment for the year is "It's time for another Boston Tea Pary!" Or a Revolution!
Enough is enough!
Gas is too expensive and the oil companies are raking in the Billions.
Electricity is too expensive, and Taxes are higher now than in the 1770's and England was taxing the colonies. The politicians are making up the rules as they go along, and there is no justice in this country. Now we are sacrificing our country so we can continue to fight a war that was a lie from the very begining. Medicare cuts, Medicaid cuts, the cost of health insurance is staggering, if this continues we will all be in a worse depression than 1932. Or will we go all the way back to the Lords and the Surfs? Rich and poor, who will pay the taxes? the poor? I can't believe that we have let this current president crumble our United States for we are no longer united and we have all fallen. My heart breaks for my daughter, this land that I love is now run by a dictator, liar, and murder.
These are just my rantings. I claim the FREEDOM of SPEACH, the FREEDOM of independant thought and my right to rant on my blog. (I have sensored some of my rantings to keep it rated G.)


Blogger P M Prescott said...

No need to be shy, tell us what you really think.

Keep ranting and get it out. Too bad the idiots living in your state would wake up and see the gestapo goose stepping all over the country.

4:17 PM  
Blogger grandma1 said...

And you haven't even read the book "What every American should know about who is runing the world." Wait until I give that to you. Your rantings my not be G rated.

7:52 AM  

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