Sunday, March 26, 2006

When it rains it pours!
Weekend before last it poured. Hubby got sick, M got sick, Dallas was flooded and the CVICU had water damage to 4 rooms. This past week has been sooooo crazy. Monday took D to the doctors, he was given nebs and steroids. Tuesday worked, Wednesday took M to ENT doc for hearing test-because the school said she failed that test, M has fluid behind both ears and is now on antibiotics and we get to go back in May to see if the fluid is gone and if to redo the hearing tests. If the fluid is not gone M gets tubes. (oh joy.) Went to work thursday, I HATE working with whinny "I can't do my job" people. Friday I woke up to D rumbling in his lungs, so back to the docs we went. This time I made sure I was in with him and that we saw our Doc. I streached the truth and told them that the bronchitis he had monday and no antibiotics had now turned into pnuemonia. They took a chest xray, and he did have pneumonia. Good thing I'm pushy. D got a shot and pills. He is doing better today, but still tires easy and gets short of breath easy. Tomarrow he has installs that have been put off for two weeks.
All this week has been a sense of anticipation for Cancer doc appointment tuesday. I will find out if the ct scan shows growth or not and we have to decided what new chemo to start on. I feel like the jaws theme playing in the background. Just when I get my work and life schedule figured out, this stupid cancer changes everything. Through the grapevine, my chemo hospital has an opening in NICU for weekends and get paid for fulltime dayshift. If I know how I was going to react to chemo, I'd jump at it, but again my life is on hold. This is really anoying!!!

All the cats are finally getting along. The goats are doing ok, Liberty got out of the pen today- can't figure out how. G shed is now more of a little house, and should be done and ready for her to move into by the middle of April. I get my rubberstamping/scrapbooking room next month. I can't wait, all my rubberstamps where I can get to them and I won't have to put them away if I don't want to. My projects can stay out until they are done, and noone to mess them up. I can just shut the door. YEAH!
Rubberstamping and Sudoku are keeping me sane.


Blogger grandma1 said...

It has been a long week. But the wait is almost over. We are praying the blood test was wrong.

8:07 AM  
Blogger P M Prescott said...

Glad you're keeping up with the stamping and stuff, though I don't know how. Our prayers are with you.

8:34 PM  

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