Sunday, March 05, 2006

A lot has happened since I last posted.
The tooth fairy has come again to our house.
I have had another round of chemo, but it will most likely be the last of the doxcil.
My counts are going up. I will get another CT scan in a couple of weeks and then we have to decided what to do. I do hope that it is still stable and not really growing. Dr Stringer is so sweet, he asked me how I did it. Family, work and cancer. I told him the truth, I only think about the cancer once/twice a month. Life does not stand still just because of cancer.
This month I have had to think about it more and it makes me mad. I can't fix it, it doesn't help to worry. So it may sound silly, but as Scarlett would say "...oh fiddle dee dee, I'll think about it tomarrow."

It has taken soul searching and tears while driving from Dallas to Canton, but I have decided that this cancer is a paracite, God did not have anything to do with it, it just happened. God can give a scientist the answers and the cures so I pray for our researchers everynight. I also pray the greed, politics and the government will not stand in the way of scientific advancement. I pray for my doc as he has to put up with my questions and tears. To those that think that God does things...he created us, but we created the caos in our lives and cancer comes from stress and caos we created. There is no one to blame for my cancer accept my DNA and RNA, stress factors, and life. God just allows us to make the freedom of choice.

God does not cause a hurricaine, earth does and the scientists that predict can only warn us. If we do not hear or heed the warning it is our fault each and every man, women and child. Not just the political leaders.
I have a storm shelter, if the warning for a tornado goes out and I decided to sit on my porch I take the risk. I have that freedom of choice. God is not going to move the tornado or me. LIFE HAPPENS.

In the life is going to be turned upside down and cockeyed.
Wednesday my mother-in-law comes to live with us, in our house with 2 cats until her house in the shed is completed. This next weekend my brother-in-law and family with 3 cats and 3 silly girls are coming to visit on their way to California where he has been transfered.

Yes we will have 7 cats, 9 goats and one poor beta fish, with 9 people for the weekend. Lord help us all.
I have tried to cat proof my home, but I am sure more will be needed to really cat proof it.

I will miss Kevin and Tracy as they more to CA. But, Albuquerque is on the way to visit.
We went to First Monday this weekend. I love it. Walk around look at junk, treasure and eat food. David got an indian flute, I got butterfly ceramic tiles, M got a stuffed unicorn that neighs, and I got a candle for my beach/lighthouse room.

Life gets pretty busy around here I'll blog more later. TTFN


Blogger P M Prescott said...

Keep plugging along. Come by anytime we'd love to have you here.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

All those people! Oh Penni!

12:51 PM  
Blogger spookyrach said...

Life happens. That is so true!

Good luck to you - you certainly have a lot on your plate! (And here's hoping the cats all get along. ha ha!)

6:48 PM  

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