The last couple of weeks have been crazy.
Had chemo, side effects are not so bad, but I am drinking more water and mom and I started Weight watchers so I'm eating better.
Work has been horrible.
I have gone from an extrodinary hospital to an ordinary nothing special hospital.
I have gone from 5 to 7 critically ill patients to 8 to 12, with little to no help. The nurses are leaving in droves, the clin techs are all leaving, and we are short 8-12 RCP's. I had decided to go talk to Baylor tuesday when I get my labs drawn. I'll see what they have, I hate leaving here when they have all be so good to me, but the reasons for driving 70 miles one way are no longer enough. Even the cost of insurance has exceeded any raise I could even hope for.
We had a meeting today with the head of RT and the CEO. I really don't know if they are listening. We shall see. I have survived new directors and new CEO's, but they have broken the uniqueness of the hospital.
Anyway, Had a good birthday. Went out to dinner for steak and veggies, and got a facial. It took forever and I think the lady thought I was 14. I even told her I want quick and easy, I won't do 20 steps to be beautiful, she still went through 100 steps. I don't think so.
I got the basic skin care and a sample color pallet. I get up way to early to put makeup on to come to work, and the goats don't care if I'm glammerous or not.
Speaking of goats. I rescued a poor little billy from the Trades day First Monday. Poor thing was sitting under birds, was carried like a suit case, and then beaten up by my very baddly behaved goats. He was limping, then Alice (Alpha nanny) bulldozes him into the fence, I heard him cry, so we had to separate him from the herd. Ended up taking him to the vet. Found out that he had been sold twice at market (sticker adhesive still stuck on his coat) and he had pneumonia, the vet showed me how to give antibiotic shots, and his right shoulder is brused, so he got shots for that. Now I can beat children and doctor goats. (isn't that special.) He is now perky, looking for a way out of the barn, but still won' t put weight on the right leg. I'll have to call the vet. I hope this little guy will live long enough to become the billy.
Well, that should catch everyone up. TTFN